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Alain Boublil Blog



Donald Trump rearguard fight

Donald Trump has announced last week he will sign a decree creating a 25% tax on steel imports and a 10% one on aluminum imports. He hopes, in doing so, that the American production will rebound in these two sectors which he believes they are strategic, regarding the sovereignty of the country. This has triggered several passionate declarations from European leaders and some more cautious ones from China. They threat to replicate with retaliatory measures. According to his habits, the American president has passed a new step in the verbal escalation in mentioning the prospect of a trade war he ...

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The central banks crisis

For more than forty years, developed countries economies went through a kind of permanent crisis, with some rare periods of remission, the last one having just finished with the brutal bumps which have affected financial markets at the beginning of February. Nothing more was needed by financial institutions and economists which have been silent just before the subprime crisis, to send alarmist messages. Worries had been generated by an interpretation, which will be proved wrong, of the intentions of a central bank after the publication of an economic indicator. That case shows the new position these institutions have taken. Their ...

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China : the Year of the Dog

The names, in the Chinese calendar, carry no particular symbolic message but the dog, as a domestic animal itself, is well-known for its faithfulness. It is not incompatible with the point that China is loyal to the principles stated by its leaders and is redirecting progressively its economy toward its interior market through its modernization and in satisfying its population demands regarding environment. In 2018, the year of the Dog, following the year of the Cock, growth should continue with a strong rhythm. The point to know if it will “slow” after the 6.9% reached in 2017 to be ...

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