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Alain Boublil Blog



The wrong ideas in economy

It is not only in politics that the wrong ideas are prospering, in economy too and they have a hard life. Forty years ago, the 3rd Mauroy government, after its reshuffle, announced measures which will be qualified as a rigor plan or as the “rigor turnaround”, along with a third realignment inside the European Monetary System. It is then interpreted by the opposition of the right as the recognition of the failure of the economic policy followed since the election of François Mitterrand and still today by a part of the left as a treason and the submission ...

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Energy transition : The big contradiction

The climate warming is attributable to the emissions of greenhouse gas which are caused by human activities, in the first position of which are the production and the utilization of energy. It is, which is rarely mentioned, a global phenomenon. It is the action of all the States which is important and there is no relation between the behavior of a country and the damages it could suffer on its territory. To the opposite, its action will profit to everybody in proportion with the share it occupies in the whole emissions. In that way, if France reaches its carbon neutrality ...

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Brazil : A resilient economy

Today, we are interested about the Brazilian economy much more to denounce Amazon deforestation, which, anyway, is not fully located inside its borders, than to analyze its achievements, its growth, its inflation or its financial weakness. Time is not so far when, due to the breathtaking ascension of its currency, the real, the country was not far from France in the ranking of the major world economies. It was included, with China, Russia and India, in the BRICS group to which was added South Africa in order to this continent was present in it.

If the country has seen its ...

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