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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



françois Fillon : françois Hollande last chance

François Fillon massive success is good news for François Hollande for two reasons. First, it confirms that poll opinions have no predictive value. These institutes, and all those who, all along their editorials, comment them are the real losers of this primary election of the right and the center. At any time during the week which preceded the first round has been imagined that the one who finally won, was even going to participate to the second round; To keep the suspense on, and then the interest of the public and of their clients, the institutes, following their ...

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Shanghai the next international financial capital

Current transformations of the Chinese economy and the growing implication of its businesses in the world market will necessitate the creation of a high level financial hub where will be processed its transactions with foreign countries. This hub is already found: it will be Shanghai.  Yuan internationalization, launched almost ten years ago, in a general indifference, and even a denial, as in France, is going on and even is accelerating. Monetary bumps occurred last year when China central bank decided to modify its intervention procedures with a certain clumsiness caused by its inexperience, are now part of the past. The ...

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Donald Trump and fossil fuels

The surprise created by Donald Trump election is as high as the uncertainties of his economic choices. It is not rare that the promises of a candidate during his campaign don’t give an exact view of what he will do, once elected. And us, in France, we are not well placed to give lessons on that matter. The situation is more complicated in the United States because the president needs to have the support of the Congress, for his economic policy, his public finance choices and social reforms. The new president in these matters will be in a much ...

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