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Alain Boublil Blog



Emmanuel Macron and the supply-side policies

The political debate, in France, regarding economic issues, could be summarized in this way: the Right and the Center believe, to improve the economic situation of the country, that the right thing to do is to follow a supply-side policy. Reforms and financial transfers will give to companies more room to maneuver. That will sustain growth and they will create jobs. It is what Emmanuel Macron explained last Sunday when he was talking about past and coming measures, including the reform of the wealth tax which would guide saving toward investment in enterprises. On the opposite, the Left, with all ...

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French public debt : the serial goes on

Every year, in autumn, the debate about public indebtedness suddenly reappears, its excessive level and the threats it carries on the country. It is logical because it is the finance bill period, which, this year, is watched with more attention because it expresses the new president and his government choices. That issue has occupied a special place during the TV program devoted to the Prime minister and a personality had been especially invited to discuss with him, Thierry Breton, a former Economy minister and today CEO of ATOS, a French leading software company. Their discussion has been focused on the ...

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The electric car mirage

The announcement by China of ambitious objectives regarding electric or hybrid car sales in 2019 follows on many declarations made during Francfort Motor Show by German carmakers. They were anxious about rebuilding their good reputation after the “Dieselgate”. In Beijing, it is part of the policy in favor of the reduction of CO2 and particles emissions which, at the local level, are the cause of a major threat for health. In 2019, 10% of car sales should have an electric or hybrid engine. If they don’t, carmakers will have to pay a penalty or to buy to their competitors ...

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