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Alain Boublil Blog



The great Eighties

At a moment when the Goncourt Prize in France is awarded to a narrative about the annexation of Austria by the German Nazi regime and when October Revolution is commemorated, instead of being celebrated, history is omnipresent. It has invaded political debate in France, where are castigated policies conducted “for thirty years”. At the beginning, it was the left which was targeted because that period coincided with François Mitterrand election in 1981. But, years after years, this starting point has moved and this indictment has lost some of its political content. The main flaw of the Eighties is that ...

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Thank you Mr. Draghi

Last Thursday, the European Central Bank has announced the main orientations of its monetary policy for the next year. They have been clarified by the comments added by its president, Mario Draghi. We have, now, a clear indication about the evolution of the eurozone during the coming months. Markets made no mistakes about it. They immediately reacted: European stock markets, except Spain due to political reasons, rose and the euro fell. The currency lost more than 1% against the dollar.

First, the ECB announced that it will prorogate until September 2018 its quantitative easing policy but for amounts reduced to ...

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France : a 21st century fiscal policy

The examination by the National Assembly during the 1st reading of the articles related to fiscal receipts in the 2018 Finance bill generated an intense political debate. The bill includes measures which express the new philosophy inspiring the president of the Republic regarding taxes, with, as a first point, the reform of the Wealth Tax and the scheduled suppression of the residential tax. It is recognized to taxes a triple role. They cover public expenditures. They contribute to the reduction of inequalities and to strengthen social cohesion. It is at the end an economic policy tool used to support ...

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