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Alain Boublil Blog



Germany and climate change

The enthusiastic statements made by German leaders against global warming at the G7 held in Bavaria or in the perspective of the Paris Conference, should not be misunderstood. German leaders, as always – they cannot be blamed for this – protect their industry. Chancellor Angela Merkel treats her political supporters in order to stay in charge; whatever effect this may have on her country’s CO2 emissions. Climate change? Sure. But not at the clients’ expense.

First, Germany gave up on nuclear power. This is one of the few domains in which the German industry did not perform. We forgot about it ...

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Europe : dix ans après

Le 29 mai 2005, les Français rejetaient à une large majorité le Traité constitutionnel européen que, pourtant, les « partis de gouvernement », c’est-à-dire le Parti socialiste, alors dans l’opposition, l’UMP et les centristes, avaient appelé à approuver. Cet anniversaire a donné lieu à de nombreux commentaires faisant le lien entre la montée en France du Front national et le succès, dans de nombreux pays, des partis « extrêmistes », dont la caractéristique commune, est le rejet de l’Europe telle qu’elle fonctionne aujourd’hui.

Pour ce qui est du Front national, il faut tout de ...

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2005-2015: in ten years, (almost) everything has changed...

Let us remember! In 2005, oil prices began to rebound, after fluctuating for twenty years between 15 and 40 dollars per barrel. When it reached 50 dollars, people started to worry and to talk about expensive oil. Theorists of "peak oil" voiced their concerns and announced the imminent exhaustion of resources. Patrick Artus in La Tribune predicted a barrel around $ 300 in 2015! Jean Marie Chevallier replied wisely that it was very difficult to forecast. A few weeks earlier, Alain Terzian, still in La Tribune, came to the obvious conclusion: the world had never had much oil. Ten years have ...

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