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Alain Boublil Blog



Energy policy : back to reality

The abandon, by the French government, of the objective included in the energy transition Act of a 50% limit in 2025 of nuclear plants in the power production is a first important signal of a coming back to reality. That objective was impossible to attain, except if natural gas-powered plants were built to guarantee the country energy security. EDF will obtain the necessary prorogation of the life duration of its power plants by far above 40 years, if the appropriate investments are made and approved by the Safety Authority. This political turnaround shows that France has, at last, understood that ...

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0.53% : the rate of the 10-year French bond

Challenging again forecasts, France continues to profit from historically cheap financing conditions. The 10-year rate published by Agence France-Trésor on December 5th, 0.53%, was at its lowest level for more than a year. This situation should last for most of next year, in contradiction with the figures published in the 2018 Finance bill. Three elements are supporting this trend. The most important is coming from the last decisions of the European Central Bank. Its quantitative easing policy is prorogated until next September through the purchase of bonds. Even if their amounts are reduced to 30 billion per month ...

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Brexit : the Irish dead-end

Irish Vice-Premier Minister Frances Fitzgerald resignation has permitted to avoid, at the last moment, a political crisis in her country. That would have increased the confusion which currently prevails in the negotiations regarding Brexit. They will be the major issue which will be discussed during the next European summit which will take place December 14th and 15th. The case is not well under way due to its complexity and to the political uncertainties in several countries. In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Theresa May is weakened by her poor results during the last elections, by the dissensions inside ...

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