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Alain Boublil Blog



The end of inflation : Good news

To the opposite of what we frequently hear, the end of inflation is good news: it will not announce a long stagnation period but corresponds to the new situation of developed economies. It can lead to a long phase of prosperity if consequences have been identified and appropriated policies have been adopted.

Among the causes of inflation first appears, in theory, the supposed scarcity of raw materials and the difficulties to adjust supply and demand. Even if we don’t come back to the pessimistic assertions of the “Club de Rome” which, in the middle of the Seventies, maintained, without ...

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China ; The new economic diplomacy

The French president will travel to China in the coming days before going to Japan and South Korea. He will not make the same mistake than some of his predecessors. The first State visit in Asia of a foreign political leader must be in the Chinese capital if he wants to create a climate based on mutual respect. The condition is necessary but not sufficient. He must also be well informed about major orientations of those who are going to talk with him and he must show it. If he doesn’t, he would be considered as an ignorant or ...

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2018 : the year of France

Anglo-Saxon media enthusiasm about France is good news. It breaks with the pessimistic and even alarmist forecasts of international institutions about the situation of the world economy.  Imbalances and excessive indebtedness of public and private agents are making to fear the worst, especially regarding China. So, 2018 would carry the risk of a new and major international crisis. We should not be surprised. Economists as these major institutions didn’t put us on our guard just before the 2007-2008 crisis and they took a lot of time to understand what was going on. They don’t want to be accused ...

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