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Alain Boublil Blog


Archives Jan. 1, 2021

The France financial accounts

The French government has just published its social security and finance bills for the year 2022. They do not constitute commitments because next year, presidential and National Assembly elections will occur. So the future government will have full discretion to take or to deeply modify the measures which will be adopted. But these texts carry precise data regarding the public finance current situation and its foreseeable short term evolution, under the hypothesis, of course, that we don’t see a new wave of the pandemic.

The budget is presented on the basis of better growth forecasts than what was expected ...

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The High-Speed train : a French success

Forty years ago, precisely on 1981 September 22nd, François Mitterrand inaugurated the High-Speed line between Paris and Lyon and delivered in Le Creusot a decisive speech in favor of the re-launch of the construction of the necessary infrastructures to the country equipment, which has been the starting point of the exceptional development of this new mode of transportation. If this anniversary has been the occasion of a ceremony to which the President of the Republic attended and of a large media coverage, very few comments were maid about the major turnaround operated in the France railway policy at that ...

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Thank you, nuclear power

Regulated electricity tariffs have increased by 0.5% on August 1st after a 1.6% rise on February 1st. In two years, the French people annual bill increased by 5%. We could legitimately be worried about that. But it would forget that, as an average, in Europe, the rise has been much superior, when prices paid by household were already much higher than in France. In 2019, the cost by consumption unit in Germany, for instance was superior by 68%. Natural gas regulated tariffs, them, have increased by 8.7% September 1st, after rises by 5.3% and 9.9 ...

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