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Alain Boublil Blog


Archives July 2019

Le modèle allemand sous pression

L’Allemagne a mis une quinzaine d’années à digérer sa réunification. Elle a certes bénéficié du concours de l’Europe mais le facteur déterminant a été  la stratégie suivie par ses entreprises consistant à transformer les anciens satellites politiques de l’ex-Union soviétique pour en faire les nouveaux satellites économiques de leur pays réunifié, tout en conservant le maximum de valeur ajoutée sur leur propre territoire. L’Allemagne n’est pas seulement devenue la première puissance économique de l’Union Européenne, position qu’elle partageait avec la France jusqu ...

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Is China doing so badly ?

The publication of China economic growth rate during the 2nd quarter (6.2%) has been received in Western countries with harshness. During the 1st quarter it had been 6.4%, i.e. for the first half of the year inside the 6 to 6.5% fork adopted as the official objective by the government for 2019. This “great slowing” has been denounced because the figure was the lowest since quarterly statistics are published, i.e. in 1992. In fact, the major point, not to say it is an historical one, is that China, during more than 25 years has ...

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Three ideas in favor of climate

The action against climate warming doesn’t reduce itself to energy transition and the State is not the only participant which much commits himself. But the issue has taken such a place in the political debate that announcements effects are taking the lead over appropriate decisions. That can prove counter-productive and causes a rejection phenomenon even when household and enterprises, if they are proposed efficient solutions, are, as a whole, ready to participate to this indispensable effort. To assign very long term objectives as the share of nuclear in the power mix in 2035 (after having extended this term by ...

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