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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



The globalization and us

The debate about the consequences and the issues related to globalization was at the center of the final discussions of the presidential campaign, as it has been proved again during the pathetic confrontation between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. It will not end May 7th and will continue during the political battle of the general elections which will start the day after. Until now, that debate has missed one essential issue: globalization will not stop if, because of their votes, French people declare they are hostile to it. This phenomenon is irreversible and it affects all the countries ...

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France:the defeat of the "patapolitics"

The first round of the French presidential election has been less in accordance with polls and media forecasts than these ones are trying to convince us. Voter turnout remained high. As the population reaching the voting age is growing, the real number of electors who went to vote has also increased. Regarding young people, about whom we have been continuously told they were not motivated and they did not find in the current political proposals the answer to their expectations, their number was also on the rise. Next, Marine Le Pen score is inferior to what had been forecast. She ...

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The presidential election and the French economic policy

For a couple of days, the serial dramas about political scandals seem, at last, to have left the place to fundamental issues in the campaign for the presidential election which ends in less than a month. We should be happy with that. The positions taken about foreign policy and defense give a better view about the projects of the main candidates in these areas where, due to the Constitution, the head of the State is in the front line. But it is not the most important point because French people are expecting to know if the economic choices of the ...

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