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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



Edouard Philippe right choices

The most important decisions are not necessarily those it is much taught about, like tax, working legislation or professional training. There are some tangible choices which can prove themselves decisive for the future of a country. Regarding that point, the continuous stigmatization in France of all what has been down during the last three decades does not represent reality. The construction of an infrastructure network makes many countries envious. Our nuclear program has contributed to our energy independence and to the reduction of our emissions of carbon dioxide. The end of prices and foreign exchanges controls and of credit management ...

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Unemployment : the French disease

François Hollande did talk too early last wek. The huge increase (+34 900) of the number of unemployed people in July, calculated by Pôle Emploi, has cooled the hopes of those who were thinking that time had come for the unemployment curb to be reversed. The policy followed by Emmanuel Macron predecessor, whose he was his influent advisor at the Elysée, has not produced the results which would allow the late president to be proud of his achievements. That figure is not only very disappointing compared to the previous month but the magnitude of the rise, which ...

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Economie française : le double déficit

La satisfaction avec laquelle ont été accueillis les derniers chiffres relatifs à l’économie française est loin d’être justifiée. La croissance au rythme trimestriel de 0,5% constitue certes une amélioration après la longue période de stagnation qu’a connue la France comme le retour des créations d’emplois. Mais celles-ci n’atteignent toujours pas le niveau requis pour qu’enfin le chômage baisse significativement. La hausse continuelle observée depuis près de 10 ans a été stoppée mais le retournement de tendance qui permettrait une diminution du nombre de l ...

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