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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



The disappointing figures of the French economy

The publication of the unemployment figures for the 3rd quarter constitutes a new disappointment. Jobseekers number has reached 3.72 million, a 0.5% increase compared to the previous quarter. However, a 1% fall is noticed on one year but these small variations must not divert attention from the main point. Unemployment stays at a very high level in France with a 9% rate for these who are registered at “Pôle Emploi” as having no activity at all. The rate is much higher if are added all the part-time employees who would wish to find full-time jobs. Even ...

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Interest rates and inflation

As expected by financial markets, the Federal Reserve Bank in Washington rose its interest rates this week by 0.25% to 2.25% and nothing in the comments of its chairman makes us thinking that the institution has renounced to rise it again before the end of the year. Some days before, Mario Draghi who chairs the European Central Bank was delighted about the inflation in the Eurozone which was “sound” and convinced that its target to come back to 2% will be reached. Financial markets have deduced that the end of the accommodative policy was confirmed and that they ...

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Nuclear : Spring is coming

Nuclear industry runs with very long cycles to the opposite of other economic activities. After the war and despite twenty years of efforts, it appeared that French nuclear paths did not answer to the expectations and, in 1974, Messmer government put in competition the two American nuclear leaders, General Electric and Westinghouse, the first one with the boiling water technology and the second one with pressurized water. The last one won and Framatome chose it for its nuclear reactors. During twenty years, nuclear industry enjoyed a state of grace. 58 reactors were built and are still operating. French households took ...

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