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Alain Boublil Blog



2005-2015: in ten years, (almost) everything has changed...

Let us remember! In 2005, oil prices began to rebound, after fluctuating for twenty years between 15 and 40 dollars per barrel. When it reached 50 dollars, people started to worry and to talk about expensive oil. Theorists of "peak oil" voiced their concerns and announced the imminent exhaustion of resources. Patrick Artus in La Tribune predicted a barrel around $ 300 in 2015! Jean Marie Chevallier replied wisely that it was very difficult to forecast. A few weeks earlier, Alain Terzian, still in La Tribune, came to the obvious conclusion: the world had never had much oil. Ten years have ...

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France’s sovereign debt: almost free?

According to the latest figures from Agence France Trésor, France issued in the first quarter about 93 billion of 3 months, 6 months and one year treasury bonds at an average negative rate of 0.10%. Therefore, subscribers will pay around 100 million euros of interests to the State this year, if the rates remain at this level until December – and that is almost granted. France also issued 66 billion of medium- and long-term bonds. This represents more than a third of its plan for the year, at an average rate of 0.44%. The average rate in 2014 ...

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Italie : le bon exemple ?

La publication des chiffres du commerce extérieur italien est passée, en France, complètement inaperçue. C’est bien dommage. On préfère disserter sur la supériorité allemande et stigmatiser ces pays de l’Europe du sud, incapables de faire des « réformes », de rétablir leurs comptes publics ou confrontés, comme précisément l’Italie, à un endettement public excessif, en l’occurrence plus de 120% de son PIB alors que la moyenne de la zone euro est, comme la France, autour de 93%

On préfère aussi stigmatiser  « l’euro fort » et ...

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