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Alain Boublil Blog


United States

The American economy : miracle or mirage ?

The publication of the first estimation of the American GDP for the 1st 2019 quarter has given the opportunity to enthusiastic comments as the last unemployment figures, the best for 49 years. With a 0.8% growth, i.e. an annual rhythm above 3%, the American economy has invalidated the analysis which were forecasting for that period 0.5%, due, partly, to the shutdown. The stoppage of the country administrative activity, provoked by the disagreement between the White House and the Congress about the increase of the public debt limit had generated the put in lays-off of a part ...

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The contradictions of Donald Trump

The American president omnipresence in the media and in the social networks has an inconvenient which he seems not to have completely controlled: to attract attention, it is necessary to avoid, as possible, to repeat himself and to announce every time something new. That leads him to take decisions and to pass judgments which are frequently carrying contradictions. The most worrying point is that he doesn’t seem conscious of that when even he falls into a denial. It is this instability of the economic policy and of the American diplomacy which constitutes a threat for financial markets as for ...

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The American economy under Donald Trump

The latest estimation of the American growth rate during the second 2018 quarter has just been published: 4.2%. It is an annualized rate. In Europe we use quarterly rates which give the illusion that our numbers are much lower than they are in reality. In using the same method, the American quarterly rate is closed to 1%. Compared to French 0.2% rate for the first 2018 two quarters, the achievement is enviable. During the last twelve months, American growth is close to 3%, which is twice higher than in the eurozone and nothing allows us to think that ...

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