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Alain Boublil Blog



2005-2015: in ten years, (almost) everything has changed...

Let us remember! In 2005, oil prices began to rebound, after fluctuating for twenty years between 15 and 40 dollars per barrel. When it reached 50 dollars, people started to worry and to talk about expensive oil. Theorists of "peak oil" voiced their concerns and announced the imminent exhaustion of resources. Patrick Artus in La Tribune predicted a barrel around $ 300 in 2015! Jean Marie Chevallier replied wisely that it was very difficult to forecast. A few weeks earlier, Alain Terzian, still in La Tribune, came to the obvious conclusion: the world had never had much oil. Ten years have ...

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Iran and oil: the new paradigms

The success, to be confirmed, of the negotiations with Iran, as well as the reactions of the oil markets to the draft agreement, show that we have entered a new era, both of our relations with the Gulf countries and of the geopolitics of energy. The destabilization of the Middle East and parts of Africa, due to civil wars and their massacres, is the result of the merciless war between Sunni and Shia Islam. It is also reminiscent of the terrible religious wars that pitted, in Europe, Catholics and Protestants against one another, in the sixteenth century. So far, the ...

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Emissions: CO2 and particles

A good and a (very) bad news came out within a few days. The International Energy Agency revealed that in 2014 the total amount of CO2 emissions resulting from energy use (excluding therefore Road Transport) remained stable. This is unexpected for this amount remained stable despite the economic recovery. Usually, it remains stable when there is a decline or a stagnation of economic activity.

At the same time, Paris went through an episode of fine particles (PM10) and knew an extremely serious pollution episode that made Paris one of the largest and most polluted capitals in the world. This is ...

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