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Alain Boublil Blog



2017 : the China year ?

Nothing happened in 2016 as expected. The Chinese economy didn’t fall into a major crisis. Its currency, the yuan, as its financial markets, stabilized after the previous summer bumps. Growth, even if it has been lower than in the past years, was still strong, at around 6.5%. This figure would make envious most of the emerging countries, not to say a word about developed ones. National debts, and notably state-owned enterprises and local authorities ones, have been refinanced without affecting the banking sector. Trade surplus and the central bank huge reserves protect the country from any wariness coming ...

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Shanghai the next international financial capital

Current transformations of the Chinese economy and the growing implication of its businesses in the world market will necessitate the creation of a high level financial hub where will be processed its transactions with foreign countries. This hub is already found: it will be Shanghai.  Yuan internationalization, launched almost ten years ago, in a general indifference, and even a denial, as in France, is going on and even is accelerating. Monetary bumps occurred last year when China central bank decided to modify its intervention procedures with a certain clumsiness caused by its inexperience, are now part of the past. The ...

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And during that time...

The entire world, since the beginning of this November month, was turning its eyes at the United States and was wondering about the respective chances of both candidates. No election in the past had attracted such an impact, for two reasons: the result has been undecided until the end, with swings at every incident and the personality of one of the two candidates  fascinates some and scares the others. Nobody can predict the economic consequences of the election of Donald Trump. This uncertainty carries heavy consequences and will last until January when the transfer of power between Barack Obama and ...

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