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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



Toward a reduction of the risks

For almost two years, most of the economic reflections and comments are about the increase of risks, the imminent coming of a recession and even of a new major financial crisis. No economist did forecast the 2007-2008 one and no political leader did propose measures to cope with that risk. That incites them today to announce the worst to then pretend that “they were right in saying that”. It is indisputable that the world is going through a period propitious to accidents and even to breakdowns. Trade tensions created by the American administration have generated retorts from targeted countries. Ups ...

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The European Power reactor : a malediction or a solution ?ti

The announcement of a first cost overtaking regarding the two EPR being built in England at Hinkley Point and of a new delay of the putting into activity of the French one at Flamanville has incited the government to launch an audit about the choice of the nuclear reactor. This decision will be unavoidably interpreted as a defiance signal. It will not help the population support of new projects when French people benefit from the lowest electricity price in Europe and when France, thanks to this power production technique has one among the lowest level of greenhouse gas emission in ...

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Economic liberalism leads to populism

Liberalism has not the same signification in France than in Anglo-Saxon countries where it refers to political or societal issues. In France, it applies to economy and to a policy which confers to private economic agents the duty to reach major internal (price, full employment) equilibriums and external balances through the adjustment of the currency rate. To give a larger significance to this model, it has been invented the neo liberalism concept. It will be relaunched under Ronald Reagan mandate in the U.S. at the beginning of the Eighties through putting an end to policies inspired by Keynes and ...

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