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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



Paris is not a museum

The approach of the municipal elections in France, in a tense economic and social climate, gives the opportunity for the many candidates to make proposals for the cities they manage or they intend to manage. But the given evaluation of these proposals rarely makes the connection with the followed policies at the national level when, in major agglomerations, they have important consequences on growth and employment. They can contribute to the achievement of the searched equilibriums or to the aggravation of the situations the State is trying to cure. But these situations are frequently, in fact, the consequence of policies ...

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The French growth and the strikes

INSEE has just published its first estimation of the growth rate of the French economy during the 1st quarter. The result has been very disappointing. When the last forecasts were based on a GDP increase by 0.2% or 0.3%, production has fallen by 0.1%. It is the first diminution occurred during the last four years. It is obviously symbolic since the accuracy of the figures is not enough to talk about a real drop or even of a recession. But it constitutes a failure for the government which has considered a growth comeback as a priority ...

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The fairy Electricity

The reopening of the City of Paris museum of Modern Art, after its successful restoration, allows to rediscovering the painter Raoul Dufy masterwork. A hundred of panels gathered like a puzzle and hanged up in a vast oval room is recounting Science history since Antiquity. It presents the successive discovers which will allow the introduction of electricity in the modern society. The work is used for the Universal Exhibition Pavilion which is to be held in Paris. We are in 1937. After the coming into power of the popular Front, the political situation in France is under tension. At our ...

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