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Alain Boublil Blog



The Chinese economy has recovered ahead

The many international tensions which are opposing China to the United States, to the United Kingdom and to some of its neighbors in Asia must not occult a major economic reality: the Chinese economy has recovered ahead. During the 2nd quarter, GDP grew by 3.2% compared to the same period last year. During the 1st quarter, it had fallen by 6.8% year-on-year. As a whole, the GDP during the 1st half of the year is 1.6% lower, which allows to assuming, if the trend goes on, a positive growth for the full year. So ...

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The rebound, green or not ?

The sanitary crisis has generated during the 2nd quarter a brutal stoppage of the major economies whose extent will appear with the coming publication of GDP figures related to this period. Then the States have intervened in urgency to support enterprises and employees facing unprecedented shock and to limit its consequences on employment. Forgetting the traditional message on the necessity of a balanced management of public finances, hundreds of billions of euros have been offered through different channels in France as elsewhere in Europe: guaranteed loans by the State given to enterprises to offset the turnover losses and to ...

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The national sport : to attack everything which is working well

The Fessenheim nuclear power plant closing, the critics surged during these previous years against “the all high speed train” policy and the stigmatization of air transportation are related to a typical French attitude: to denigrate and to attack everything that has generated the success of France and which the whole world is envying. To harbor these critics a new argument has been found, the protection of environment. The country is supplying its residents with power at the lowest price and emitting very few greenhouse gases. So we will limit the contribution of nuclear energy to the power mix by law ...

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