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Alain Boublil Blog


Archives October 2024

To reform to make Europe stronger

The last European Parliament elections have been disappointing and not only because their result in France has been followed by snap elections for the National Assembly and a vote which has opened a period of political uncertainness. Once elected, the European members of the Parliament gathered to form parliamentary groups. Their members belong, each one in his country, to a party. We so would have expected that these parties had worked together to elaborate a program and to present it to the electors. It is the essence of the democracy. Nothing like that happened.

In France, the electoral campaign was ...

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Inflation : the new challenges

The publication by INSEE of the inflation in France in September has surprised. Prices have fallen by 1,2% from August (0.6% after correction of seasonal bias) and year-on-year they have only increased by 1.1%. United Kingdom also had a reduction year-on-year (1.7%) as the eurozone (1.7%). The prices increase in the United States remained a little under 2% when in China, to the opposite, it fell back year-on-year to 0.4%. In Europe, everything happened as if after the sharp increases in 2022 and 2023 with a 10% peak, an equivalent level was recovered to ...

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Where is China going ?

In September, the political Bureau of the Chinese Communist party had a meeting and has made known that new measures to support economic activity were going to be announced without entering into the details. The objective of a 5% growth rate seemed to be difficult to be reached and it is that which has attracted the attention of the commentators. Yet, the fact that the Chinese GDP growth was 4.9%, as it emerges from the 1st half figures, or 5% has no importance. The accurateness of the statistics does not allow to giving attention to such small spreads. It ...

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