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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



Politics and energy policies

During a long period of time, energy policies were following economic or strategic considerations : to exploit natural resources the best possible way for those which had them, to guarantee supply security, to support the development of industrial sectors bringing a relative independence accompanied with job creations and exports which resulted from them. This time seems to be over in some countries like Germany and France where “turnarounds” in energy policies have been largely influenced by political considerations.

Angela Merkel CDU is much less strong than it is generally believed. It governs thanks to an alliance with Bavaria CSU but it ...

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The French growth in 2015: a success or a failure?

Government satisfaction expressed during last council of Ministers at the Elysée palace this week, after the publication of the first estimation of 4th quarter (+0.2%) and last year (+1,1%) growth was not justified. Official comments which were accompanying it gave a too favorable presentation of the reality. They were not convincing since they depend on the basis of the comparison. The result is higher than in 2014 (+0.2%) but it was not very difficult. On the opposite, our major competitors did much better, the U.S. and the U.K. both were around 2.5% and ...

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François Mitterrand et lesTrente Glorieuses

Le 8 janvier prochain, à Jarnac, sera commémoré le vingtième anniversaire de la mort de François Mitterrand et le 26 octobre les cent ans de sa naissance. Ces évènements seront l’occasion de la publication de nombreux ouvrages, parfois critiques, n’en doutons pas, mais qui tous reconnaîtront la dimension historique de cet homme qui aura marqué la vie politique française durant la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle. 

En même temps, nos dirigeants, c’est devenu une sorte de tic de langage, à l’approche de chaque échéance électorale, vont stigmatiser ...

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