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Alain Boublil Blog



Le diesel et le CO2

Il aura donc fallu le scandale Volkswagen pour qu’ on prenne enfin conscience en France, de l’absurdité de la politique, menée depuis plus de dix ans, consistant à accorder des avantages réglementaires et fiscaux substantiels au diesel. Historiquement, du fait des caractéristiques originelles de cette technologie adaptée aux transports lourds et fréquents, l’Etat avait consenti une réduction des taxes sur ce carburant pour compenser le coût plus élevé des véhicules. Il fallait rouler beaucoup pour l'amortir grâce aux économies sur la consommation et sur le prix du carburant. On ...

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Barack Obama and Climate Change

The American president recently set a new goal for the United States: reducing gas emissions. The resolution has been praised all over the world, notably in France by Ségolène Royal. This is a good signal and it anticipates the significant breakthrough to be made at the Paris conference on climate that will be held at the end of the year. But one must not be mistaken and look at the background and scope of such decision.

Sure, the country that emits the most important amount of CO2 has finally decided to fight for a cause that is unanimously ...

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Germany and climate change

The enthusiastic statements made by German leaders against global warming at the G7 held in Bavaria or in the perspective of the Paris Conference, should not be misunderstood. German leaders, as always – they cannot be blamed for this – protect their industry. Chancellor Angela Merkel treats her political supporters in order to stay in charge; whatever effect this may have on her country’s CO2 emissions. Climate change? Sure. But not at the clients’ expense.

First, Germany gave up on nuclear power. This is one of the few domains in which the German industry did not perform. We forgot about it ...

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