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Alain Boublil Blog



Towards the end of the German model

The publication of the last statistics about the German economy allows to questioning us on the capacity of the country to overcome its current difficulties and to keep in Europe its leader position given by its size and its situation as a model which have been granted to it by its past remarkable results both regarding its exceptional foreign trade thanks to its industry and its public finance and inflation mastery. Germany came into recession. according to the definition based on a diminution of its GDP during two consecutive quarters. These ones have regressed by 0.5% during 2022 4 ...

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Brussels and the CO2 emissions

The fight against the greenhouse gas emissions has now taken an essential place in most developed countries and has become a major political challenge. European institutions are concerned and are the place where sometimes occur severe confrontations between the States. But that can lead to adopted positions or to decisions which have an opposed effect to the sought-after objectives. The total emissions generated by the production and the fossil fuels utilization, calculated with the integration of the methane and of the consequences of the natural gas flaring around oil fields, as each year BP evaluates them, show that the level ...

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The French people wealth

INSEE and the Banque de France regularly publish statistics giving the value of the assets owned by the economic agents, the public sector, the enterprises and household. But the publications regarding indebtedness cause numerous comments as much as theses regarding the assets owned especially by household generate few attentions. They are yet essential data to appraise the economic and financial situation of a country and to understand the social climate which prevails in it.

At the end of the year 2022, the value of the financial assets of the French household, after deducting their short-term indebtedness to finance consumption expenditures ...

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