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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



COP 21 and OPEC : two complementary Agreements

In a few days, two major agreements have been concluded between, regarding the first one, the three quarters of the world population and for the other one countries producing more than one third of the total oil extracted in the world. In New York, during United Nations General Assembly, it has been recorded that a sufficient number of countries has ratified the Paris Agreement, concluded at the end of COP 21, to permit to it to enter in application. In the same time, in Algiers, leaders of OPEC reached an agreement to cap their production. Fossil fuels combustion is the ...

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The French public debt and our children

It is now a common place. In order to stigmatize the increase of the public debt, we rise the point that policies, conducted in France both by the right and the left, carry a threat for our children. Following this argument, time will come when we will need to reimburse and that will weigh down on next generation shoulders. It would be unfair since this debt is the result of excessive expenditures benefiting to today adults who get rid of it in transferring the bill to their descendants. To put it in other terms, we live above our resources and ...

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2nd Quarter French growth: -0.1%

INSEE has, once more, revised downward 2nd quarter French growth. It has been negative: -0.1%. France didn’t have a reduction of its GDP during one quarter since 2013. So it is difficult to share the optimism of those who consider that “it is going better”. Despite a favorable international environment, a weak oil price, interest rates at their historic low and substantial fiscal incentives for business, French economy is not rebounding. And the figures, published by INSEE even include evaluations difficult to understand since the contribution of foreign trade to growth would be positive for the first ...

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