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Alain Boublil Blog



And during that time...

The entire world, since the beginning of this November month, was turning its eyes at the United States and was wondering about the respective chances of both candidates. No election in the past had attracted such an impact, for two reasons: the result has been undecided until the end, with swings at every incident and the personality of one of the two candidates  fascinates some and scares the others. Nobody can predict the economic consequences of the election of Donald Trump. This uncertainty carries heavy consequences and will last until January when the transfer of power between Barack Obama and ...

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Wallonia and the Brexit

The ups and downs which have marked the final negotiations about the trade treaty between European Union and Canada (CETA) are full of lessons about those which will open with the United Kingdom about Brexit. The last-minute agreement reached between Belgian provinces to permit their country to ratify the treaty currently discussed in Brussels does not change anything to the questions this affair has rose regarding European procedures related to negotiations between the Union and third countries and their approvals. Commission has received by delegation, a full mandate to negotiate. But regarding approval, it is either the Council of ministers ...

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Brazil : things are improving

After two gloomy years, Brazil should experience an economic revival in 2017. For the first time since 2013 and the going down to hell of a country which had seen itself becoming among the top six economies in the world and whose GDP had surpassed UK one, signals of an improvement of its economy are now appearing. The deep recession which occurred in 2015 and 2016 with, both years, a GDP fall of 3,7%, could come to an end and leave the place to a modest growth in 2017 at around 1,5%. Political situation has been clarified and ...

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