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Alain Boublil Blog


Archives February 2021

The French industrial crisis

As if the major economic crisis generated by the corona virus pandemic was not enough, France is also confronted with the major disruptions of its industrial equipment. To cope with what is appearing as a decline, it is risen the necessity of a re-industrialization and of re-localizations. The State is called to help to reverse the trend but it has not, it is the least which can be said, skimped on the means for ten years to try to remedy to it through tax cuts and reductions of social charges. The degradation observed today is revealing the failure of these ...

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Brent prices are coming nearer to 60 dollars

Almost a year ago, in the middle of the corona virus pandemic, oil price on the American market became briefly negative. In reality, it was a quotation on future markets but that was showing the gap between the too much abundant supply and a weak demand. Stocking capacities were saturated and so buyers were ready to pay in order they were allowed to renouncing to take the deliveries of the black gold they acquired some months before at the agreed date. That unprecedented situation was frequently interpreted as the first signal of the decline of that raw material until then ...

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