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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog


Archives Jan. 1, 2015

France : the recovery, at last ?

Many good figures have been published over the past two weeks:  good figures on employment, showing notably that the number of employees in the 4th quarter is stable and that the balance of payments is close to equilibrium in January; good figures on consumption, budget and industrial production.  Does it mean that, finally, after two years of stagnation, the French economy has started off on the right foot? "The recovery is here," said the President of the Republic. Is this really the case?

French exports reached a record level with an average of 37.2 billion over the last three ...

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Brazil : the dark times

Nothing goes well for Brazil: failed growth, rising inflation, scandals, Moody’s degradation of Petrobras, the country’s most important company. Such is the situation endured by the star of the BRICS - concept coined by Goldman Sachs ten years ago to characterize the new locomotives of the world economy: B as Brazil, R as Russia, I as India, C, of ​​course, as China and S as South Africa, subsequently added to take into account the African continent. The concept did not survive the crisis. China is the only one to keep up its development, albeit at a slower pace. Retrospectively ...

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Keynes, Nizan et Durand –Ruel : avoir raison contre tous

Qu’est-ce qui peut bien rapprocher ces trois hommes qui évoluaient des univers si différents, l’économie, la littérature ou le marché de l’art ? Le fait d’avoir eu raison avant, et contre tout le monde, sur des sujets essentiels.

Keynes, avant de devenir l’économiste le plus influent du XXème siècle, a débuté sa carrière comme fonctionnaire. A ce titre, il participe en 1919 à la conférence de Paris qui négocie le futur traité de Versailles. En opposition avec la ligne défendue par le Chancelier de l’Echiquier et par ...

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