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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



Croissance française:la grande déception

La publication par l’INSEE de sa première estimation de de la croissance de l’économie française au deuxième trimestre, 0,2%, a été mal accueillie sauf par le gouvernement qui persiste à penser, contre l’évidence, que sa politique est appropriée. Ce chiffre fait suite à une augmentation de la production également de 0,2% pour le premier trimestre. Un sérieux doute pèse ainsi sur la validité des prévisions des différentes institutions comme la Banque de France ou le FMI pour l’année entière, autour de 1,8%, et de la ...

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The economic consequences of Donald Trump

Military battles are won thanks to appropriate alliances. It is the same in economy where the usual term is rather competition but the result is the same: there are winners and losers. The United States president seems to ignore that obviousness. On one side he shows off, to the opposite to his predecessors, an unlimited desire for power and, in the same time, he isolates his country. Every meetings he participates or appointments he gives, and there would have been a lot in July, reveals deep clashes. NATO Summit saw the United States bringing an accusation against European countries. The ...

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The World cup and economic growth

Just twenty years ago, France, for the first time won the soccer World Cup. Next Sunday, its team may win the right to have a second star on its shirt. 1998 victory contributed during a few years, to strengthen the country cohesion thanks to a team which gathered players with diverse origins : the “blacks”, the “whites” and the “beurs” coming from North Africa to which we could have added the “basks”, coming from Basque country. It was also given this success for a significant contribution to the strong economic growth France enjoyed until 2002, a result which has not been ...

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