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Alain Boublil Blog



When the FED procrastinates

Why put off something to the next day when you can do it the day after the next day, said, with humor, Mark Twain. This joke sums up perfectly the non-decision by the FED regarding interests rates in the U.S. Explanations are not convincing. China has a broad back. An interest rate increase in the U.S, regarded until the meeting as sure, would have generated a rise of the dollar, followed by the Yuan since the two currencies were linked by a fixed parity. This is why Chinese authorities, indeed at the worst time, had decided to reform ...

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French reforms : time for evaluation

Two years ago, Jean Marc Ayrault, then Prime Minister, following the conclusions of the Gallois report relative to French corporate sector competitiveness, set up substantial fiscal incentives (CICE), which were confirmed by his successor, Manuel Vals through the “Pacte de responsabilité”. The reduction of labor costs generated by these fiscal incentives, was supposed to give employers enough financial margins to invest, create jobs and allow France to come back to a growth path strong enough to reverse unemployment curve.

Nobody can ignore that, until now, these objectives have not been reached, but it could be argued that, as structural reforms ...

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Le mal bureaucratique français

Le débat sur la réforme du code du travail illustre parfaitement l’une des caractéristiques de notre pays : sa culture bureaucratique. L’évocation de cette  « réforme » comporte pourtant une  ambiguïté. S’agit-il de changer le contenu du code pour y faire figurer des dispositions nouvelles, par exemple sur la durée légale du travail ou le droit du licenciement, ou s’agit-il, ce qui n’est pas du tout la même chose, de vider le code de tout ou partie de son contenu pour laisser aux partenaires sociaux la possibilité d’adopter des ...

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