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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog


Archives Jan. 1, 2018

The American economy under Donald Trump

The latest estimation of the American growth rate during the second 2018 quarter has just been published: 4.2%. It is an annualized rate. In Europe we use quarterly rates which give the illusion that our numbers are much lower than they are in reality. In using the same method, the American quarterly rate is closed to 1%. Compared to French 0.2% rate for the first 2018 two quarters, the achievement is enviable. During the last twelve months, American growth is close to 3%, which is twice higher than in the eurozone and nothing allows us to think that ...

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Interest rates and inflation

As expected by financial markets, the Federal Reserve Bank in Washington rose its interest rates this week by 0.25% to 2.25% and nothing in the comments of its chairman makes us thinking that the institution has renounced to rise it again before the end of the year. Some days before, Mario Draghi who chairs the European Central Bank was delighted about the inflation in the Eurozone which was “sound” and convinced that its target to come back to 2% will be reached. Financial markets have deduced that the end of the accommodative policy was confirmed and that they ...

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A busy week for China

It has started with the announcement by the Trump administration of the instauration of customs duties on 200 billion dollars of Chinese exports. The rate is modest (10%) but it could rise next year until 25%. On September 18th, the Summer Davos Forum opened in Tianjin. 2000 gests coming from more than 100 countries will attend the meetings. Beijing will develop its analysis regarding the Fourth industrial revolution and how shape innovative societies to adapt themselves to the progress of robotics and Artificial Intelligence. The Forum comes just after the Vladivostok Meetings where Russian and Chinese economies exposed their ...

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