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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog


Archives June 2016

Fossil energies : the unexpected affluence

Every year, BP publishes its statistics which are an authority and which recount, country by country, the evolution for the last ten years of the production and the consumption of each category of energy. This year report brings the confirmation of a phenomenon which totally invalidates pessimistic forecasts of the last thirty years. We could even go back to the “club de Rome” studies according to which the resources of the planet being limited, we should be prepared to manage their scarcity, especially regarding oil and natural gas. Coal, temporarily, was not concerned by these analysis but the same reasoning ...

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Brexit : what then?

Next Thursday, Her Majesty people are invited to a referendum regarding United Kingdom exit from the European Union. The issue is in the front page of newspapers, not only in England.  Stock markets are worried and yesterday, Janet Yellen, Federal Reserve chairwoman, was considering it as a risk to the point to probably differ any rate increase in her country during next sumer, increase which was considered as certain three months ago. President Obama launched a formal call in favor of remaining in the Union, but European leaders were less vocal, as they are cautious to avoid creating any negative ...

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0,4% : French ten years interest rate

Agence France Trésor has published today its TEC 10 index which reflects the 10 years interest rate offered by the State : it is going down to reach 0,4%. It has been inferior to this level only during few days, between April 2015 15th and 23rd. France still fully profit from the European Central Bank policy. It will generate this year a new and substantial reduction of the cost, for the State, of its debt. Contrary to the strong rise announced, against any logic, in the 2016 finance bill, this fall will permit a reduction of at ...

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