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Alain Boublil Blog



Globalization is not dead

The signature of a free-trade agreement between the ten countries members of ASEAN and China, South Korea, Japan, Australia and New Zeeland brings a spectacular proof that negotiations gathering many countries to go through new steps regarding goods and services liberalization exchanges can be successful. So a stunning denial is brought to these who forecast the end of globalization. Yet, deep political disagreements are remaining between the signatory countries. China and Japan are reproaching themselves for wanting to annex territories they are not the owners, in this case, islands. South Korea is accusing Japan, as also China, to never having ...

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The tomorrow economy

Nothing, we are frequently listening, will be as before. The second wave of the covid-19 epidemic is there. The economic rebound which happened during the 3rd quarter, coming after the deep growth fall occurred during the previous quarter is under threat everywhere in the world except in China. So the situation is worrying despite the put in place of economic policies assigned to enterprises protection against the effects of the recession in every country. Behavior of household who have accumulated on their banking and saving accounts a huge amount of money has surprised and their reluctance to consume has ...

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Les chiffres de la crise


Les résultats des principales économies pour le 1er semestre permettent d’avoir une appréciation de l’ampleur des répercussions de la crise du corona virus et de leur diversité. Les pays les plus touchés ont été le Royaume-Uni, l’Espagne, la France et les Etats-Unis avec un niveau du PIB inférieur entre 15 et 20% à celui atteint un an auparavant. L’Allemagne a été frappée par une récession moins violente, -10% après -2% au premier trimestre. Le Japon et surtout la Corée du Sud ont connu des baisses d’activité bien ...

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