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Alain Boublil Blog



China has rebounded

The publication of the last purchasing managers indexes in China shows that the exit from lockdown and the end of the Lunar New Year holidays are characterized by a much stronger rebound of the Chinese economy that it was expected by the developed countries economists and as a rule by the politician world. Chinese authorities had been strongly criticized about the imposed rigor to fight against the pandemic, with notably, the lockdown and the travels ban. Industrial components supply chains had been disrupted generating scarcities and prices increases. The move without any transition from the “Zero-covid” to the normal activity ...

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Happy Year of the rabbit

China remains deeply attached to its traditions. It has adopted the western calendar for its civilian activities and for the publication of its statistics but it celebrates the New Year according to its ancestral practices, which are full of symbols. On January 21st, the country came into the Year of the rabbit. It is each time the opportunity for the families the urbanization, due to the strong growth during these last decades had separated, to meet. They had been impeached of it by the measures adopted during three years in order to fight against the pandemic. Their lifting allows ...

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The China new challenges

The place China has taken in the world economy has become so important that its difficulties have repercussions at the planet scale. That economic success took a long time to come. The President Mao has given back to the country its unit and its sovereignty after more than a century of Western and Japanese aggressions and people will be grateful to him forever for that. But his economic results, with the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution were disastrous. That did not impeach Alain Peyrefitte in 1973 in the conclusion of his book” When China wakes up” to praise ...

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