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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



A busy week for China

It has started with the announcement by the Trump administration of the instauration of customs duties on 200 billion dollars of Chinese exports. The rate is modest (10%) but it could rise next year until 25%. On September 18th, the Summer Davos Forum opened in Tianjin. 2000 gests coming from more than 100 countries will attend the meetings. Beijing will develop its analysis regarding the Fourth industrial revolution and how shape innovative societies to adapt themselves to the progress of robotics and Artificial Intelligence. The Forum comes just after the Vladivostok Meetings where Russian and Chinese economies exposed their ...

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Ten years after

Ten years ago, the bankruptcy of the American investment bank Lehman Brothers triggered the biggest financial crisis since World War II and a severe recession which hurt every developed country. Comments are abounding regarding the responsibilities and the efficiency of the measures decided after the crisis to avoid its reproduction. Unfortunately, the chosen date shows that all the lessons have not been learnt and that the search of the responsibilities is incomplete. The starting point of the crisis was not Lehman Brothers bankruptcy caused by the rejection of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to do “whatever it could ...

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Les infrastructures et la mondialisation

Cet été aura été marqué par deux évènements affectant des infrastructures avec de lourdes conséquences. L’incendie d’un centre de distribution d’électricité a paralysé pendant une semaine le trafic ferroviaire depuis de la gare Montparnasse vers toute une partie de la France au moment des départs en vacances. L’effondrement d’un pont autoroutier à Gènes a causé la mort de plusieurs dizaines de personnes et menace, en raison du rôle essentiel de la liaison concernée, l’activité d’une région, la Ligurie, et d’un des principaux ports de la M ...

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