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Alain Boublil Blog


Figure of the day

0.98% : the rate of the latest ten years French bond

The French state has issued February 1st a new ten years bond. The rate provided by the market came close to the 1% symbolic barrier, when, since the beginning of the year and during 2017 last quarter, if fluctuated between 0.50 and 0.75%. This move is not isolated. The growth acceleration in the U.S. permits to anticipate a more restrictive monetary policy by the FED. American rates, with the same duration are above 2.70%. The trend is the same in the United Kingdom but for different reasons. The devaluation caused by the Brexit has made imports ...

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0.53% : the rate of the 10-year French bond

Challenging again forecasts, France continues to profit from historically cheap financing conditions. The 10-year rate published by Agence France-Trésor on December 5th, 0.53%, was at its lowest level for more than a year. This situation should last for most of next year, in contradiction with the figures published in the 2018 Finance bill. Three elements are supporting this trend. The most important is coming from the last decisions of the European Central Bank. Its quantitative easing policy is prorogated until next September through the purchase of bonds. Even if their amounts are reduced to 30 billion per month ...

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40%: The thermal power plants production increase in November in France

The stoppage, for diverse reasons, of around ten nuclear power plants and a colder autumn have been enough to disrupt the energy mix in France in November. Consumption increased by  near 9%, compared to November 2015, but the net electricity production fell by 3.7%, which has provoked a slump of exports. The trade balance has been divided by 10 with just a 0.64 TWh surplus. Nuclear production has fallen by 12.7% and its share of the power production, which usually is close to 75%, was reduced to 68%. Thanks to a good level of the water in ...

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