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Alain Boublil Blog



France’s sovereign debt: almost free?

According to the latest figures from Agence France Trésor, France issued in the first quarter about 93 billion of 3 months, 6 months and one year treasury bonds at an average negative rate of 0.10%. Therefore, subscribers will pay around 100 million euros of interests to the State this year, if the rates remain at this level until December – and that is almost granted. France also issued 66 billion of medium- and long-term bonds. This represents more than a third of its plan for the year, at an average rate of 0.44%. The average rate in 2014 ...

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Emissions: CO2 and particles

A good and a (very) bad news came out within a few days. The International Energy Agency revealed that in 2014 the total amount of CO2 emissions resulting from energy use (excluding therefore Road Transport) remained stable. This is unexpected for this amount remained stable despite the economic recovery. Usually, it remains stable when there is a decline or a stagnation of economic activity.

At the same time, Paris went through an episode of fine particles (PM10) and knew an extremely serious pollution episode that made Paris one of the largest and most polluted capitals in the world. This is ...

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France : the recovery, at last ?

Many good figures have been published over the past two weeks:  good figures on employment, showing notably that the number of employees in the 4th quarter is stable and that the balance of payments is close to equilibrium in January; good figures on consumption, budget and industrial production.  Does it mean that, finally, after two years of stagnation, the French economy has started off on the right foot? "The recovery is here," said the President of the Republic. Is this really the case?

French exports reached a record level with an average of 37.2 billion over the last three ...

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