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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



The hidden sides of the German model

German elections which will take place next Sunday will see a new victory for Angela Merkel. The only uncertainty is about its magnitude and the necessity she will have –or not- to constitute a coalition and with whom. An alliance with the Greens is the less likely hypothesis, even if she gave them token in getting out of nuclear power and in committing her country in an energy transition program which satisfies them. The likely comeback of the FDP, which missed the 5% barrier during last election in 2013, into the Bundestag opens the door to a “Small coalition” as ...

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How China is doing ? (continued)

19th Communist party Congress will occur in Beijing October 18th and will designate the country leaders. Without surprise, president Xi Jinping mandate will be prorogated by five more years and the party leadership will be constituted by his devoted supporters. So China political stability is guaranteed which, in a volatile world, is an advantage. Skepticism, frequently expressed in France about the country ability to transform itself and the many predictions regarding financial risks with which it could be confronted have been infirmed. It is true that this autumn political agenda incited authorities to be more vigilant but it ...

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Edouard Philippe right choices

The most important decisions are not necessarily those it is much taught about, like tax, working legislation or professional training. There are some tangible choices which can prove themselves decisive for the future of a country. Regarding that point, the continuous stigmatization in France of all what has been down during the last three decades does not represent reality. The construction of an infrastructure network makes many countries envious. Our nuclear program has contributed to our energy independence and to the reduction of our emissions of carbon dioxide. The end of prices and foreign exchanges controls and of credit management ...

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