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Alain Boublil Blog



French growth : the deadlock

INSEE, the French statistical body, publishes, at the end of this week, its first estimation of the 3rd quarter growth rate of the French economy, the word, growth becoming, year after year, more and more unsuitable. The Minister of economic Affairs, Emmanuel Macron, has evocated a more appropriate concept: lethargy, which is closer to reality. Industrial production and foreign trade numbers, as those of household consumption and fiscal receives are already known. Nothing let us hope a return to a normal growth rate, i. e. above 2%, consistent with long term trends and able to reverse unemployment curb.

Figures of ...

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Chine : la diplomatie accélère

Au moment où son économie ralentit, l’activité diplomatique de la Chine s’intensifie. Il y a tout juste un an, le pays s’était déjà retrouvé au centre des discussions économiques internationales. La création d’une nouvelle banque destinée à favoriser le développement avait recueilli l’adhésion des pays européens, l’Angleterre en tête, à la grande surprise, c’est un euphémisme, de Washington, qui restait à l’écart, et avec l’hostilité affichée du Japon. Pékin profitait de ces circonstances pour dévoiler ses nouvelles ambitions économiques avec son projet de ...

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Japan : the reasons of the decline

Next November 16th, Japanese government will publish the first estimation of Japan GDP for the 3rd quarter. According to the country main research institutes which just published their own estimations, it should act the fact that the country has slumped into recession. After a fall during the 2nd quarter of 1,2% in annualized terms, GDP should decline by 0,2% during the following three months. Japan would be the first, among major industrialized countries, to fell back into recession, since the 2007-2008 financial crisis.

This setback occurs, despite the boosting economic policy launched by the government ...

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