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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



The presidential election and the French economic policy

For a couple of days, the serial dramas about political scandals seem, at last, to have left the place to fundamental issues in the campaign for the presidential election which ends in less than a month. We should be happy with that. The positions taken about foreign policy and defense give a better view about the projects of the main candidates in these areas where, due to the Constitution, the head of the State is in the front line. But it is not the most important point because French people are expecting to know if the economic choices of the ...

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The come-back of the State as a strategist

It is not because Marine Le Pen, in her campaign, proclaims that the State must regains its role in the economy that the issue must be a taboo. It would be a height in Colbert country where, just after the war, massive nationalizations have been decided to bring about the economy in giving to it modern public services, in the continuation of what happened in 1936 or where the same thing was decided in 1982 to make possible the restructuration and the modernization of several industrial companies which were near bankruptcy. France shouldn’t have any hang-up in that matter ...

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Globalization is irreversible

Donald Trump last failure about the abrogation of Obamacare promises some others. It is highly likely that the protectionist measures he is thinking about and which were the significant times of his electoral campaign will never be adopted. The transformation of the American tax system, except if VAT is adopted, to penalize imports and reduce enterprises charges, will not happen, as other than symbolic measures against Mexico. The reason is simple: United States has more to lose than to win in going in that direction. Imports taxation would penalize American consumers. Retaliatory measures adopted by the countries which are targeted ...

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